

Are any of your degrees offered online?

Yes, the University has several Masters and Doctoral level degrees offered online. For more information on our online degrees, visit our Online Campus website. You can also search online degrees by level under Programs


Am I required to attend New Graduate Student Orientation?

New Graduate Student Orientation is optional for most students, but some departments do require that their new students attend orientation. The Graduate School highly recommends attendance as well. It is not just to show you the campus or to help you get your new ID card. Orientation is a wonderful tool to introduce you to the unique aspects of being a graduate student as well as useful topics such as research ethics, graduate assistantships, and working with your advisor.


I am a non-degree seeking and I would like to change to a degree-seeking program. What do I need to do?

To change from non-degree seeking to degree-seeking, you will need to reapply to the Graduate School with an online application form, a $30 application fee, and any additional materials that the degree program requires. If you have already submitted transcripts and GRE test scores (if required by program), you will not be required to submit them a second time.


How do I change my degree level within my current program?

You should submit a Request to Change Level of Degree within the Same Major to the Graduate School: The Graduate School will process the change once approved by the program and will notify you once the change is complete. You will remain in your current program until the change is complete.


How do I switch from my current degree program to a different program?

Effective Spring 2020, a new application is required even if you are a currently active student. Complete our online application and refer to the "Start a New Application" instructions. When asked, be sure to select "Changing your major." Once the new program has made their decision, you will need to accept the offer of admission. You will remain in your current program until we make the appropriate changes.


How do I change my major advisor?

Your new advisor should send an email to in the Graduate School to let us know that he/she has agreed to be your new advisor. The email should include your name and ID number, your program of study, and your current advisor should be copied on the email as well so that we know he/she is agreeable to the change.


When should I submit my committee and title forms?

The Master’s Program and Doctoral Program calendars are great tools to let you know at what times during your degree program you should submit certain forms. Please visit the current Master/Doctoral Program Calendar.


I am going to a conference in my field; am I eligible to receive a travel grant?

Travel Grant information and eligibility requirements.