Dissertation Defense Announcement

To add a Dissertation Defense Announcement: 

  1. Go to the UARK calendar and log in with your UARK username and password.
  2. Click on “Submit an Event” in the top right of the menu bar.
  3. In the "Main Info" field, enter "[Student’s Full Name]’s Dissertation Defense"
  4. In the "Description" field, enter the title of your thesis defense, your academic program, and your dissertation chair:
    1. Title:
    2. Program:
    3. Dissertation Chair:
  5. In the "Location" field, choose hybrid, in-person, or virtual
    1. For in-person events, enter the building code (SCEN, MAIN, etc.). This will generate a location link. Input the room number below it.
    2. For Virtual or Hybrid, include the stream/meeting URL and any login credentials that may be needed to access the stream.
  6. Under "Additional Details" in the "Hashtag" field, type “DissertationDefense" and hit enter. 
  7. Under "Filters," click "Event Type" and click on "Dissertation Defense." If you do not select Dissertation Defense, your event will not show up on the Dissertation Defense event feed.

(Please note that your event must go through an approval process before posting. You will receive an email once your event has been approved and posted). 


To edit or delete a Dissertation Defense Announcement: 

  1. Go to the UARK calendar and log in with your UARK username and password.
  2. At the top menu, click your username icon (it should be a smiley face next to the "Submit An Event" button). 
  3. Click on "Dashboard." 
  4. Scroll down to your activity feed and select your Dissertation Defense Announcement. 
  5. Scroll to "Event Tools" at the bottom and select "Edit Event." 
  6. To delete your event, scroll to the bottom of the event and select "Delete Event." 


For questions, contact johnpost@uark.edu.