Recreation and Sport Management (Doctoral)

  • Program Code: RESM
  • College: EDUC
  • Degree/Certificate Name: Doctor of Philosophy in Recreation and Sport Management
  • Department Code: HHPR
  • Department Chair: Dr. Matt Ganio
  • Department Chair's Email:
  • Department Phone: (479) 575-2858


  • Contact: Dr. Stephen Dittmore, HPER 308RO, (479) 575-6625
Program Code Program Name College Department Code
BENG Biological Engineering (Doctoral) ENGR BAEG
BENG Biological Engineering (Master's) ENGR BAEG
BIOL Biology (Doctoral) ARSC BISC
BIOL Biology (Master's) ARSC BISC
BMEG Biomedical Engineering (Doctoral) ENGR BMEG
BMEG Biomedical Engineering (Master's) ENGR BMEG
BLOCK Blockchain (MicroCertificate) WCOB ISYS
PSBL Building-Level Administration (Certificate) EDUC CIED
BADM Business Administration (Certificate in Entrepreneurship) WCOB WCBD
BADM Business Administration (Master's) WCOB WCBD
BUAN Business Analytics (MicroCertificate) WCOB ISYS
SEVI Business Management (see Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Venture Innovation (Doctoral) ) WCOB SEVI
Program Code Program Name College Department Code
CATE Career and Technical Education (Master's) EDUC CIED
CEMB Cell and Molecular Biology (Doctoral) GRAD GRAD
CEMB Cell and Molecular Biology (Master's) GRAD GRAD
CHEG Chemical Engineering (Doctoral) ENGR CHEG
CHEG Chemical Engineering (Master's) ENGR CHEG
CHEM Chemistry (Doctoral) ARSC CHBC
CHEM Chemistry (Master's) ARSC CHBC
CHED Childhood Education see Elementary Education (Master's) EDUC CIED
CVEG Civil Engineering (Doctoral) ENGR CVEG
CVEG Civil Engineering (Master's) ENGR CVEG
COMM Communication (Master's) ARSC COMM
DCFM Communication Design (Master's) FJAD ARTS
CDIS Communication Sciences and Disorders (Master's) EDUC RHRC
CCLE Community College Leadership Education (Master's) COEHP RHRC
CLCS Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies (Doctoral) ARSC ARSD
CLCS Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies (Master's) ARSC ARSD
ENGR Computer Engineering (Doctoral) ENGR CSCE
CENG Computer Engineering (Master's) ENGR CSCE
CSCE Computer Science (Doctoral) ENGR CSCE
CSCE Computer Science (Master's) ENGR CSCE
CSMG Construction Management (Master's) ENGR CVEG
CNED Counselor Education (Doctoral) EDUC RHRC
CNSL Counseling (Master's) EDUC RHRC
CRWR Creative Writing (Master's) ARSC ENGL
CSES Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences (Doctoral) AFLS CSES
CSES Crop, Soil, and Environmental Sciences (Master's) AFLS CSES
CSAL Cross Sector Alliance (Certificate) ARSC PLSC, WCBD, Clinton School
CIED Curriculum and Instruction (Doctoral) EDUC CIED
CIED Curriculum and Instruction (Master's) EDUC CIED
CIED Curriculum and Instruction (Specialist) EDUC CIED
CYBR Cybersecurity (Certificate) ENGR CSCE
CYBR Cybersecurity (MicroCertificate) WCOB ISYS
Program Code Program Name College Department Code
OMDS Decision Support for Operations Managers (MicroCertificate) ENGR INEG
DSGN Design Studies in Architecture (Master’s) ARCH DSGN
PSDL District-Level Administration (Certificate) EDUC CIED
ECON Economics (Doctoral) WCOB ECON
ECON Economics (Master of Arts) WCOB ECON
ECON Economic Analytics (Master of Science) WCOB ECON
EDLE Educational Leadership (Doctoral) EDUC CIED
EDLE Educational Leadership (Master's) EDUC CIED
EDLE Educational Leadership (Specialist) EDUC CIED
EDME Educational Measurement (Certificate) EDUC ESRM
EDPO Education Policy (Doctoral) EDUC EDRE
EDST Educational Statistics and Research Methods (Certificate) EDUC RHRC
ESRM Educational Statistics and Research Methods (Doctoral) EDUC RHRC
ETEC Educational Technology (Master's) EDUC CIED
ELEG Electrical Engineering (Doctoral) ENGR ELEG
ELEG Electrical Engineering (Master's) ENGR ELEG
ELED Elementary Education (Master's) EDUC CIED
ENGR Engineering (Doctoral) ENGR ENGD
ENGR Engineering (Master's) ENGR ENGD
EMGT Engineering Management (Certificate) ENGR INEG
EMGT Engineering Management (Master's) ENGR INEG
EMGAGC Engineering Management Analytics (Certificate) ENGR INEG
ENRP Enterprise Resource Planning (MicroCertificate) WCOB ISYS
ENTS Enterprise Systems (Certificate) WCOB ISYS
ENDY Environmental Dynamics (Doctoral) GRAD ENDY
ENDY Environmental Dynamics (Master's) GRAD ENDY
ENEG Environmental Engineering (Master's) ENGR CVEG
ENGL English (Doctoral) ARSC ENGL
ENGL English (Master's) ARSC ENGL
ENTO Entomology (Doctoral) AFLS ENTO
ENTO Entomology (Master's) AFLS ENTO
ENTR Entrepreneurship (Certificate, Inactive) see Business Administration (Certificate in Entrepreneurship) WCOB WCBD
ENRC Environmental Resiliency Certification, Accounting and Metrics (Certificate) GRAD ENDY
ENRC Environmental Resiliency Certification, Accounting and Metrics (MicroCertificate) GRAD ENDY
ENRE Environmental Resiliency (Master's) GRAD ENDY
ENRE Environmental Resiliency (Certificate) GRAD ENDY
ENRE Environmental Resiliency (MicroCertificate) GRAD ENDY
ENRL Environmental Resiliency Leadership (Certificate) GRAD ENDY
ENRL Environmental Resiliency Leadership (MicroCertificate) GRAD ENDY
ENRS Environmental Resiliency Sustainability (Certificate) GRAD ENDY
EXSC Exercise Science (Master's) EDUC HHPR
FNPR Family Nurse Practitioner (Certificate) EDUC FNPR
FINN Finance (Doctoral) WCOB FINN
FINN Finance (Master's) WCOB FINN
FDSC Food Science (Doctoral) AFLS FDSC
FDSC Food Science (Master's) AFLS FDSC
FDSF Food Safety (Master's) AFLS AFLD
Program Code Program Name College Department Code
GEOG Geography (Master's) ARSC GEOS
GEOL Geology (Master's) ARSC GEOS
GEOS Geosciences (Doctoral) ARSC GEOS
GIST Geospatial Technology (Certificate) ARSC GEOS
Program Code Program Name College Department Code
JOUR Journalism (Master's) ARSC JOUR
ETEC K-12 Online Teaching (Certificate) COEHP CIED
OMLC Leading Operational Change (MicroCertificate) ENGR INEG
OMLS Lean Six Sigma (Certificate) ENGR INEG
Program Code Program Name College Department Code
MGMT Management (Doctoral) WCOB MGMT
MKTG Marketing (Doctoral) WCOB MKTL
MSMKTG Marketing (Master's) WCOB MKTG
MATE Materials Engineering (Master's) GRAD MSEN
MATS Materials Science (Master's) GRAD MSEN
MSEN Materials Science and Engineering (Doctoral) GRAD MSEN
MATH Mathematics (Doctoral) ARSC MASC
MATH Mathematics (Master's) ARSC MASC
MEEG Mechanical Engineering (Doctoral) ENGR MEEG
MEEG Mechanical Engineering (Master's) ENGR MEEG
MEPH Microelectronics-Photonics (Doctoral) GRAD GRAD
MEPH Microelectronics-Photonics (Master's) GRAD GRAD
MLAN Modern Language (Master's) ARSC WLLC
MUSC Music (Master's) ARSC MUSC
MESN Music Education for Special Needs Students (Certificate) ARSC MUSC
Program Code Program Name College Department Code
NURS Nursing (Doctoral) EDUC NURS
NURS Nursing (Master's) EDUC NURS
NUED Nursing Education (Certificate) EDUC NUED
OTDE Occupational Therapy (Doctoral) EDUC OCTH
OPAN Operations Analytics (Master's) ENGR INEG
OPMG Operations Management (Certificate) ENGR INEG
OPMG Operations Management (Master's) ENGR INEG
PHIL Philosophy (Doctoral) ARSC PHIL
PHIL Philosophy (Master's) ARSC PHIL
PHED Physical Education (Master's) EDUC HHPR
PHYS Physics (Doctoral) ARSC PHYS
PHYS Physics (Master's) ARSC PHYS
PLPA Plant Pathology (Doctoral) AFLS PLPA
PLPA Plant Pathology (Master's) AFLS PLPA
PTSC Plant Science (Doctoral) AFLS AFLD
PLSC Political Science (Master's) ARSC PLSC
POSC Poultry Science (Doctoral) AFLS POSC
POSC Poultry Science (Master's) AFLS POSC
PROF Preparing for the Professoriate (MicroCertificate) GRAD GRAD
PRIN Product Innovation (Master's) WCOB SEVI
ACCT Professional Accounting (Master’s) WCOB ACCT
OMPM Project Management (Certificate) ENGR INEG
PSYC Psychology (Doctoral) ARSC PSYC
PSYC Psychology (Master's) ARSC PSYC
PADM Public Administration (Master's) ARSC PLSC
PBHL Public Health (Master's) EDUC HHPR
PUBP Public Policy (Doctoral) GRAD GRAD
RESM Recreation and Sport Management (Master's) EDUC HHPR
Program Code Program Name College Department Code
SEED Teacher Education (Master's) EDUC CIED
TESL Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Certificate) EDUC CIED
TESL Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Master's) EDUC CIED
TWRH Technical Writing and Public Rhetorics (Certificate) ARSC ENGL
THTR Theatre (Master's) ARSC THTR