January Minutes

January 19, 2017


Voting: Professors J.R. Chimka, T.P. Cronan, N.D. Dennis, P.K. Dowe, J. Gigantino, V.H. Hunt, K. Korth, J.W. Murry, K.L. Needy, J.C. Rupe, D. Shirey, R. Warren; Mr. M. Christie; Ms. M. Johnson

Non-Voting: Professors A.E. Ellstrand, M.R. Evans, P.R. Koski, J. Penner-Williams


Voting: Second representative from Walton College

Non-Voting: Professor L.L. Lennertz; Dr. S. Adams

SECRETARY: Ms. T. M. Fisher

GUESTS Professors E. Bengston, S. Dittmore, D. McNabb

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Chair Patricia Koski

  1. Minutes for the December 15th, 2016, Graduate Council meeting stand approved, as no changes were suggested. (Graduate Council Minutes).
  2. Professor Koski added an agenda item as item 7, Discussion: Graduate Faculty changes. Professor Koski also announced that there are new restrictions on entering graduate faculty status into UAConnect and for adjunct faculty, this status cannot be entered until the faculty member has been entered into UAConnect as an affiliate. This will slow down processing to some degree.
  3. Professor Koski recognized Jim Gigantino for receiving the U of A Press Outstanding Academic Title award for his book “Slavery and Secession in Arkansas.”
  4. Dean K. Needy updated the Council on the work of the Strengthening Graduate Education committee she is chairing for the Chancellor’s eight guiding priorities.
  5. There was no old business.
  6. New Business: Professor E. Bengston presented a proposal to accept the School Leadership Licensure Assessment as an alternative to the GRE for admission to the Ed.S. degree in Educational Leadership. After discussion, this proposal was approved unanimously and will go next to the Faculty Senate. The proposed changes may be viewed in Attachment A or at Program and Unit Changes
  7. Professor Koski presented proposals for two policy changes. Both were approved unanimously. The first pertains to a slight modification of the academic grievance policy and procedures for graduate students as shown in Attachment B. The second is a proposal to impose a University rule that disallows dual credit 4000-level classes and replaces them with 4000/5000 level pairs. Both proposals will be heard next by the Faculty Senate.
  8. Professor Koski raised as a discussion item the long-standing practice of the Graduate School to not consider professional degrees (e.g. MD, JD, DVM) for conferring graduate faculty status. Professor Koski argued that the credentials of the candidate should be listed for Council consideration and decisions should be based on individual cases with the qualifications considered in light of the status being requested. The Council agreed that this could be the new practice for presenting graduate faculty applications to the Council. No changes in policy are required.
  9. The course change report from the University Course and Programs Committee was unanimously approved (Attachment C).
  10. The graduate faculty recommendations contained in Attachment D were unanimously approved.

There being no other business, the Council adjourned at 3:08 p.m. The Council will meet next on Thursday, February16th, 2017, at 2:00 p.m., in the Upchurch Conference Room of Bell Engineering.

Submitted by: Patricia R. Koski, Chair

Approved by: Kim Needy, Dean