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Gearhart Hall 213
1 University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701
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March Minutes
March 16, 2017
Voting: Professors J.R. Chimka, T.P. Cronan, N.D. Dennis, J. Gigantino, V.H. Hunt, R. Kali, K. Korth, J.W. Murry, K.L. Needy, J.C. Rupe, D. Shirey, R. Warren; Mr. M. Christie
Non-Voting: Professors M.R. Evans, P.R. Koski, J. Penner-Williams
Voting: Professors M.R. Evans, P.R. Koski, J. Penner-Williams
Non-Voting: Dr. S. Adams; Professors A.E. Ellstrand, L.L. Lennertz
SECRETARY: Ms. T. M. Fisher
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Chair Patricia Koski
- Minutes for the February 16th, 2017, Graduate Council meeting stand approved, as no changes were suggested. (Graduate Council Minutes).
- Professor Koski updated the Council on the progress toward doing background checks for all graduate assistants.
- Professor Koski thanked Professor D. Shirey for her service on the Council; Dr. Shirey is leaving the University.
- Dean Needy updated the Council on the Eight Guiding Priorities initiative.
- Professors Cronan, Dennis and Koski updated the Council on the visit from the Higher Learning Commission and encouraged Council members to attend the town hall meetings on Monday, April 10th.
- There was no old business.
New Business: The following proposals were approved unanimously and will go next
to the Faculty Senate. The presenter for each item is in parentheses.
- Proposal to modify the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Space and Planetary Sciences (SPACMS; SPACPH) by removing SPC 5111L and SPAC 5513 as required courses (Professor P. Koski).
- Proposal to modify the Master of Information Systems (INSYMI) degree by modifying admissions requirements and allowing the GRE as a possible standardized test for admission (Professor P. Cronan).
- Proposal to change the name of the M.S. degree in Computer Science (CSCEMS) to a degree entitled Master of Science in Computer Science, and to change the CIP code (Professor N. Dennis).
- The course change report from the University Course and Programs Committee was unanimously approved (Attachment B).
- The graduate faculty recommendations contained in Attachment C were unanimously approved.
There being no other business, the Council adjourned at 2:23 p.m. The Council will meet next on Thursday, April 20th, 2017, at 2:00 p.m., in the Upchurch Conference Room of Bell Engineering.