April 2024 Minutes

Thursday, April 18th, 2024

The Council met via TEAMS and in MAIN 523.

Members Present


Faculty representatives: Professors K. Balachandran*, J. Lewis, E. Pohl, J. Rupe, S. Kucharczyk, M. Miller, I. Tzanetakis*, J. Veilleux *, and J. Whayne


Faculty representatives: E. Bengtson (Chair), A. Ellstrand, M. Ganio, D. McNabb, L. Robertson*, and L. Yingling*

Global Campus representative: S. Kenner*

Members Absent


Faculty representatives:Professors A. Alrubaye, P. Cronan, K. Hall, A. Stoverink, and J. Webb

Student representatives:   H. Awah, C. Gilmore, K. Olatunde, and M. Rodriguez


Faculty representatives:  Professors A. Gonzalez, E. Goodstein-Murphree, and T. Murphy

Provost's Office representative:

L. Kulczak


Ms. Phyllis Howell


T. Killian*, Leslie May*

*Attended via Teams

  1. Minutes from the March 28, 2024, meeting stand approved since no corrections were received.
  2. Announcements
    1. The Provost asked for a vote for any last-minute courses (not program changes).
    2. E. Bengtson will check programs for SLOs.
  3. Dean's Report – No report.
  4. New Business, Program Changes, Bumpers College of Agriculture & Life Sciences
    1. Program Change Request: HESCMS: Human Environmental Sciences, Master of Science (Approved)
    2. This request is to add a new concentration to the HESCMS (Master of Science in Human Environmental Sciences). HESC/HDFS has participated in the GP IDEA program for several years. This proposal will create a concentration that will allow students to receive recognition for their participation and specialization in gerontology

    3. New Program Proposal: HESCMS-GERO: Human Environmental Sciences: Gerontology Concentration (Approved)
    4. This request is to add a new concentration to the HESCMS (Master of Science in Human Environmental Sciences). Program Change Request: AGECMS-INAG: Agricultural Economics: International Agribusiness Concentration. HESC/HDFS has participated in the GP IDEA program for several years. This proposal will create a concentration that will allow students to receive recognition for their participation and specialization in gerontology.

  5. New Business. Program Changes, College of Engineering (Attachment A)
    1. New Program Proposal: BIOMGM: Biologics Manufacturing Graduate MicroCertificate (Approved)

      Request being made on behalf of the faculty involved in biologics manufacturing across the university. Employment trends in the biopharmaceutical sector is expected to rise nationally, and specific to the State of Arkansas aligns with business initiatives and the state Science and Technology Plan. The National Science Foundation Track 2 grant to the University of Arkansas, University of Kentucky, and Clemson University described, as one of its workforce development goals, the offering of a graduate certificate at each institution.

  6. Additional information for program change proposals and new program proposals may be viewed at https://registrar.uark.edu/program-unit-changes/index.php or in Attachment A.

  7. Proposed course changes/additions/deactivations (Attachment B) (Approved)
  8. Graduate faculty recommendations for faculty and graduate assistants (Attachment C) (added Lucas Winslow, V-T, Qualified Faculty Based on Experience during meeting) (Approved)
  9. Other Business

    GSIE: ENGL Lang Prof : English Language Proficiency Requirements

    Adding the Duolingo English Tests as an accepted indicator of English Proficiency. After benchmarking with other SEC schools, it was determined we needed to include the Duolingo English Test as an accepted measurement for English language proficiency in order to remain competitive in the international student market. The English Language Committee reviewed and approved of these changes

    Discussion in meeting: A Duolingo score of 110 is the lowest acceptable score, which is higher than the 105-score accepted when the University used Duolingo before. Although Duolingo is accepted for admissions, it cannot be used to test competency for Teaching Assistants; they must use TOEFL or one of the other acceptable methods outlined on the English Proficiency website. The Graduate School will analyze data to verify that Duolingo should be used and recommend appropriate action if needed.