
Thursday, February 15th, 2024

The Council met via TEAMS and in MAIN 523.

Members Present


Faculty representatives:  Professors A. Alrubaye, P. Cronan, K. Hall, S. Kucharczyk*, J. Lewis, J. Rupe, A. Stoverink, I. Tzanetakis*, J. Veilleux *, J. Webb, and J. Whayne*


Faculty representatives: Professors E. Bengtson (Chair), P. Calleja, A. Ellstrand, T. Murphy*, L. Robertson, L. Yingling*

Global Campus representative: S. Kenner*

Provost's Office representative: L. Kulczak

Members Absent


Faculty representatives:Professors K. Balachandran, M. Miller, and E. Pohl

Student representatives:   H. Awah, C. Gilmore, K. Olatunde, and M. Rodriguez


Faculty representatives:  Professors M. Ganio, A. Gonzalez, E. Goodstein-Murphree, and D. McNabb


Ms. Phyllis Howell


Amanda S. Corbell*

*Attended via Teams

  1. Minutes from the January 18, 2024, meeting stand approved since no corrections were received.
  2. Announcements
    1. GSIE is committed to more communication and outreach for Graduate Coordinators. The next meeting is Monday, February 19.
    2. GSIE continues to work with the Provost’s office regarding graduate student stipends.
    3. GSIE is finalizing the search for the ISS Director.
  3. Dean’s Report: None
  4. New Business, Program Changes, College of Engineering (Attachment A)
    1. Program Change Request: BENGMS: Biological Engineering, Master of Science: (Approved)

      A new M.S.B.E. Non-thesis option is added to the existing M.S.B.E. program to increase graduate enrollment. A new Accelerated M.S.B.E. Degree Program is created to allow high-achieving B.S.B.E. students at the UA to apply up to 12 hours towards their M.S.B.E. degree. Information in the Program Goals and Objectives and Learning Outcomes is updated. Editorial changes are made to the existing M.S.B.E. degree.

  5. New Business, Program Changes, Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences (Attachment A)
    1. Program Change Request: BLSMMM: Black Sacred Music, Master of Music (Approved)

      Eliminated MUHS 59703 from the program requirements. Moved MUSC 54201 to "supportive studies in music" The first change is because research methods and competencies in this program are taught in the Research Methods in Black Sacred Music Course, therefore we felt that the bibliography course was no longer needed.

      The second change reflects the fact that we had initially grouped Gospel Improvisation as an elective course, and a jazz improvisation course as a potential requirement. However, upon review we felt that given the subject matter in this degree, the Gospel Improvisation course is the more appropriate choice for a requirement, and students may elect to take an additional jazz improvisation course.

    2. Program Change Request: CLCSMA: Comparative Literature & Cultural Studies, Master of Arts (Approved)

      Elimination of the GRE as a requirement for admission. GRE is not a good tool to assess academic promise of non-English speakers. It is an extra hurdle and expense for international students.

    3. Program Change Request: CLCSPH: Comparative Literature & Cultural Studies, Doctor of Philosophy. (Approved)

      Elimination of the GRE as a requirement for admission. GRE is not a good tool to assess academic promise of non-English speakers. It is an extra hurdle and expense for international students.

  6. New Business, New Program Proposal, Walton College of Business (Attachment A)
    1. New Program: INSYMI-DIN: Information Systems: Digital Innovation Management (Approved)

      Creation of a Digital Innovation concentration to allow for inclusion of developing and cutting-edge technologies to enhance the degree program and student preparedness. Additional information for program change proposals and new program proposals may be viewed at https://registrar.uark.edu/program-unit-changes/index.php or in Attachment A.

  7. Proposed course changes/additions/deactivations (Attachment B)(Approved)
  8. Graduate faculty recommendations for faculty and graduate assistants (Attachment C) (Approved)
  9. Other Business
    1. Presented as information only: Request to change how students get credit for AP statistics when they earn a 4. Currently award credit for STAT 2823 but would like to change that to STAT 2303 or STAT 2823 with STAT 2303 being the default (and students can request to change to 2823 if needed). Significantly more programs require STAT 2303 over STAT 2823, so this change will allow students to use their AP statistics credit in more majors.

      Current catalog: Statistics STAT 2303 3C*** Statistics STAT 2823 4C

      Requested update: Statistics STAT 2303 3C*** Statistics STAT 2303 Or STAT 2823 4C

    2. GSIE continues to work on the time requirement policy for the completion of graduate degrees. The School will ask for feedback from the Colleges in the near future.
    3. Requested Council announce the upcoming Graduate Coordinators meeting (Monday, February 19).