April Agenda

Thursday, August 22nd, 2019

2:00 p.m.

Upchurch Conference Room, Bell Engineering

  1. Minutes for the April 18th, 2019, Graduate Council meeting will stand approved if no corrections are received. Please review the minutes on the Graduate School web page before the meeting: Graduate Council Minutes
  2. Welcomes and Announcements
  3. Old Business: None
  4. New Business, Program Changes
    1. Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Geosciences, proposal to modify the Master of Science degree in Geography (GEOGMS) by making curricular changes and editing catalog language.
    2. Walton College of Business
      1. Department of Management, proposal to modify the Ph.D. degree (MGMTPH) by clarifying catalog language and making curricular changes.
      2. Department of Marketing, proposal to modify the Ph.D. degree (MKTGPH) by clarifying catalog language and making curricular changes.
    3. Graduate School
      1. Proposal to change the Master of Science degree in Microelectronics Photonics (MEPHMS) to a Master of Science degree in Materials Engineering (MATEMS) with six concentrations and a Master of Science degree in Materials Science (MATSMS) with six concentrations.
      2. Proposal to change the Ph.D. degree in Microelectronics-Photonics (MEPHPH) to Materials Science and Engineering (MSENPH).
    4. Program change proposals and new program proposals may be viewed on the Program and Unit Changes page by clicking on program management. The proposals are also in Attachment A.
  5. New Business, Policy Revision, Proposed changes to the Grade Appeal Process for Graduate Students, Attachment B.
  6. Discussion item: Should we allow transfer credit for doctoral degrees?
  7. Discussion item: Should we have a policy on the use of copy editors in theses and dissertations?
  8. Discussion item: Removing graduate faculty status.
  9. Course change reports from the University Course and Programs Committee (UCPC) (Attachment C)
  10. Graduate faculty recommendations for graduate assistants: A preliminary list is attached (Attachment D). A complete list will be distributed at the meeting.
  11. Graduate faculty recommendations for faculty: A preliminary list is attached (Attachment E). A complete list will be distributed at the meeting.
  12. Other Business

Please note that the September 19th meeting will start at 2:10 p.m.