November Agenda

Thursday, November 21, 2019

2:00 p.m.

Upchurch Conference Room, Bell Engineering

  1. Minutes for the October 17th, 2019, Graduate Council meeting will stand approved if no corrections are received. Please review the minutes on the Graduate School web page before the meeting: Graduate Council Minutes
  2. Announcements
  3. Report from Calendar Committee (Professor J. Gigantino)
  4. Old Business: None
  5. New Business, Program Changes, College of Education and Health Professions
    1. Department of Curriculum and Instruction, proposal to modify the graduate certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis (APBAGC) by changing from six to seven courses, changing course requirements and making catalog edits.
    2. Department of Curriculum and Instruction, proposal to modify the educational specialist degree in Curriculum and Instruction (CIEDES) by making total curriculum changes.
    3. Department of Curriculum and Instruction, proposal to modify the master of education degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESLME) by eliminating the requirement for a standardized test score unless the undergraduate GPA is below the required level; making one curricular change; and adding an online option as a method of delivery.
  6. New Business, Program Changes, Office of the Graduate Dean, proposal to modify the Ph.D. degree in Environmental Dynamics (ENDYPH) by changing the CIP code and aligning the description of the program to make it compatible with the proposed master of science degree in Environmental Dynamics (ENDYMS).
  7. New Business, New Program Proposal, Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, School of Art, proposal to create a new master of arts in Art Education (AREDMA) with two concentrations: Community and Museums (AREDMA-CMMS) and Schools (AREDMA-SCHL)
  8. New Business, New Program Proposals, Walton College of Business
    1. Department of Accounting, proposal to create a master of professional accounting degree (ACCTMP), with three concentrations: Assurance and Analytics (ACCTMP-BUAN); Corporate Accounting (ACCTMP-CACC); Taxation (ACCTMP-TAXA)
    2. Department of Finance, proposal to create a master of science degree in Finance (FINNMS) with four concentrations: Finance and Business Analytics (FINNMS-BUAN); Finance and Digital technology (FINNMS-DGTC); Energy Finance and Risk Management (FINNMS-FERM); and Finance and Supply Chain Management (FINNMS-SCMT).
    3. Department of Information Systems, proposal to create a Master of Applied Business Analytics degree (APBAMA).
    4. Department of Supply Chain Management, proposal to create a master of science degree (SCMTMS) with six concentrations: Business Analytics (SCMTMS-BUAN); Enterprise Resource Planning (SCMTMS-ENRP); Blockchain Enterprise Systems (SCMTMS-ENSY); Finance (SCMTMS-FINN); Strategy and Human Resources (SCMTMS-HRMG); and Retail (SCMTMS-RETL).
  9. New Business, New Program Proposals, Office of the Graduate Dean
    1. Proposal to create a master of science degree in Environmental Dynamics (ENDYMS).
    2. Proposal to create a Social Justice concentration in the Ph.D. program in Public Policy (PUBPPH-SCJS).

    Program change proposals and new program proposals may be viewed at Office of the Registrar: Program and Unit Changes or in Attachment A.

  10. Discussion: Proposed policy for dismissing students for unethical/unprofessional conduct (Attachment B).
  11. Course change reports from the University Course and Programs Committee (UCPC) (Attachment C)
  12. Graduate faculty recommendations for faculty: A preliminary list is attached (Attachment D). A complete list will be distributed at the meeting.
  13. Other Business