March Agenda

Thursday, March 18th, 2021

2:00 p.m.

Microsoft Teams

  1. Minutes for the February 18, 2021 Graduate Council meeting will stand approved if no corrections are received. (Please review the Graduate Council Minutes
  2. Announcements
    • Summer GA Fellowships Applications for 9-month PhD/MFA students, due April 1
    • ETS has acquired Grad School Match
  3. Dean’s Report
  4. New Business, Program Changes, Fay Jones School of Architecture
    1. Department of Architecture and Design
      1. Proposal to modify the Master of Design Studies degree (DSGNMDS) by altering admissions requirements and waiving the GRE
  5. New Business, Program Changes, College of Education and Health Professions
    1. Department of Curriculum and Instruction
      1. Proposal to modify the Master of Education degree in Educational Technology (ETECME) by increasing required hours from 30 to 31 and adding electives
  6. New Business, Program Changes, College of Engineering
    1. Department of Industrial Engineering
      1. Proposal to create a Graduate Certificate in Engineering Management (EMGTGC)
      2. Proposal to modify the Master of Science in Engineering Management degree (EMGTMS) by changing electives and changing program to online delivery only
      3. Proposal to modify the Lean Six Sigma Graduate Certificate (OMLSGC) by correcting administrative errors to add on-campus delivery and modifying off-campus locations
      4. Proposal to create a Graduate Certificate in Operations Management (OPMGGC)
  7. New Business, Program Changes, Fulbright College of Arts & Sciences
    1. Department of Mathematical Sciences
      1. Proposal to deactivate the Master of Arts degree in Secondary Mathematics (SMTHMA)
  8. New Business, Program Changes, Walton College of Business
    1. Department of Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Venture Innovation
      1. Proposal to modify the Entrepreneurship Graduate Certificate (ENTRGC) by modifying admissions requirements, clarifying course requirements, and adding electives
    2. Department of Supply Chain Management
      1. Proposal to create a new concentration in Demand-Driven Value Networks to the Master of Science degree in Supply Chain Management (SCMTMS-DDVN)
    Program change proposals and new program proposals may be viewed on The Registrar's Office Program and Unit Changes page. or in Attachment A.
  9. New Business: Policy Change: Extending semesters of Graduate Assistantship Eligibility (Attachment B)
  10. Discussion: Policy change prohibiting retaliation for filing grievances (Attachment C)
  11. Course change reports from the University Course and Programs Committee (UCPC) (Attachment D)
  12. Graduate faculty recommendations for faculty: A preliminary list is attached (Attachment E). A complete list will be distributed at the meeting. Those voted on and approved remotely prior to the meeting is attached (Attachment F).
  13. Other Business