September Minutes

September 18, 2014


Voting: Professors K. Collins, T. P. Cronan, A.J. Dowdle, K.S. Grover, V.H. Hunt, J.T. Scott, P.R. Selvam, R. Warren, J.D. Wiersma; Ms. Mary Margaret Hui

Non-Voting: Professors L.L. Coon, J. Ganson, P.R. Koski, M.T. Miller


Voting: Professors V. Anand, N.D. Dennis, K.L. Needy, F. Spiegel; one representative from the GDSAB

Non-Voting: Professors A. O’Leary Kelly, L. J. Robertson; Ms. M. Harwood-Rom

GUESTS: Professors K. Booker, M. El-Shenawee, B. Madison, R. Mains; Ms. L. Mosesso, Ms. C. Rauth

SECRETARY: Ms. T. M. Fisher

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Chair Patricia Koski

  1. Minutes for the August 21, 2014, Graduate Council meeting stand approved, as no changes were suggested. (Please review the Graduate Council Minutes).
  2. There were no announcements.
  3. The Academic Appeals Committee met on Wednesday, September 17th and heard one case. The Teaching Assistant Effectiveness Advisory Committee will begin meeting, probably in November.
  4. Old Business: Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences
    1. Professor K. Booker, Department of English, presented a proposal to modify the comprehensive exam for the interdisciplinary Ph.D. degree in Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies (PH). Following discussion, the proposal was approved and will go next to the Faculty Senate (Attachment A).
    2. Professor B. Madison, along with Professor C. Goodman-Strauss, Department of Mathematical Sciences, presented a proposal to modify the M.A. degree in Secondary Mathematics (SMTHMA) in the ways described in Attachment B and Attachment C. Following discussion, the proposal was approved and will go next to the Faculty Senate.
    3. Professor R. Mains, Department of Music, presented a proposal to change the name of the Graduate Certificate in Advanced Instrumental Performance (MUSCGC) to a Graduate Certificate in Advanced Performance (Attachment D and Attachment E). Following discussion, the proposal was approved and will go next to the Faculty Senate.
  5. New Business, Program Change: College of Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering: Professor M. El-Shenawee presented a proposal to modify the M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering (ELEGMS) by eliminating the requirement to take ELEG 5801, Written and Oral Communication (Attachment F). Following discussion, the proposal was unanimously approved and will go next to the Faculty Senate.
  6. New Business, Policy Change: Ms. L. Mosesso and Ms. C. Rauth presented a proposal to allow performance in ELAC 5050 equivalent to a grade of B to be one method by which a student can demonstrate spoken English language proficiency required to hold an assistantship that requires direct contact with students in a teaching or tutorial role. The proposal was unanimously approved by the Council. This policy change will go into effect immediately as it requires no further approval (Attachment G and Attachment H).
  7. Discussion: At the request of a member of the graduate faculty, Professor Koski asked the Council to consider a policy that discourages the practice of graduate students providing refreshments for their committee at an oral defense. After discussion, the Council agreed to poll their constituencies. Following e-mail discussion, it was agreed that this is the issue under consideration: Proposed policy: Oral defenses: It is a policy of the Graduate School that graduate students not provide food and drinks for others at an oral defense. This proposed resolution will be discussed at the October Council meeting.
  8. The graduate faculty recommendations contained in Attachment I were approved.
  9. Committee selections were made as follows: the University Course and Programs Committee representative will be Paul Cronan (replacing Andrew Dowdle); the University Program Review Committee representative will be Andrew Dowdle (continuing); the Library Committee representative will be Ron Warren. The Council thanks these members for their willingness to serve.

There being no other business, the Council adjourned at 3:05 p.m. The Council will meet next on Thursday, October 16th at 2:00 in Upchurch Conference Room of Bell Engineering.