February Agenda

Thursday, February 20th, 2020

2:00 p.m.

Upchurch Conference Room, Bell Engineering

  1. Minutes for the January 17th, 2020, Graduate Council meeting will stand approved if no corrections are received. (Please review the minutes on the Graduate School web page before the meeting: Graduate Council Minutes)
  2. Announcements
  3. New Business, Program Changes, College of Education and Health Professions
    1. Department of Health, Human Performance and Recreation, proposal to modify the Master of Athletic Training program (ATTRMA) by deleting EXSC 3393 and EXSC 3353 as program prerequisites, adding several new program prerequisites, adding ATTR 5253 as a required course, and increasing overall program hours by three.
    2. Department of Rehabilitation, Human Resources and Communication Disorders, proposal to change the doctoral program in Higher Education from an Ed.D. to a Ph.D.
    3. Eleanor Mann School of Nursing, proposal to delete the nurse educator concentration from the master of science degree in Nursing (NURSMS-NUED).
  4. New Business, Program Proposal, College of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, proposal to create a new master of science degree in Construction Management (CSMGMS)

    Program change proposals and new program proposals may be viewed on the Program and Unit Changes page or in Attachment A.

  5. New Business: Policy Change: Proposal from the EASL Committee to accept two additional measures of English language proficiency for non-native speakers of English and one supplemental assessment (Attachment B)
  6. Discussion: joint doctoral programs
  7. Discussion: graduate faculty representatives
  8. Course change reports from the University Course and Programs Committee (UCPC) (Attachment C)
  9. Annual course review (for vote)
    • Courses with no enrollment in 4 or 5 years to remain active (Attachment D)
    • Courses with no enrollment in 4 or 5 years to be inactivated (Attachment E)
    • Courses with no enrollment in 4 or 5 years to be deleted fall 2019 "(Attachment F)
  10. Annual course review (for information)
    • Courses with no enrollment in 6 or more years to be made inactive (Attachment G)
    • Courses inactive 3 or more years to be deleted (Attachment H)
  11. Graduate faculty recommendations for faculty: A preliminary list is attached (Attachment I). A complete list will be distributed at the meeting.
  12. Other Business