February Minutes

February 18th, 2021

The Council met remotely via Teams.

Members Present


Faculty representatives: Professors V. Anand; P.C. Calleja, T.P. Cronan, N.D. Dennis, A.P.G. Dowling, C. Harris, C. Hestekin, L. Hinrichsen, V. H. Hunt, P.R. Koski, J.W. Murry, J.C. Rupe, J.D. Webb

Student representatives: Ms. N.B. Evans, Mr. W.E. Sebree


Professors J. Gigantino, A.E. Ellstrand, A. Gonzalez, K. Mamiseishvili, L.J. Robertson, A. Zajicek

Members Absent


Faculty representatives: Professors L. Hinrichsen, J.W. Murry

Student representatives: Mr. J. DiLoreto-Hill, Ms. K. Dzurilla


Professor E. Goodstein-Murphree and Division of Student Affairs representative Dr. L.M. Yingling


Ms. Terri Fisher


GSIE Associate Dean C. Rom, Professors J. Beasley, J. Bonnaci, R. Glade, S. Kuckharczyk, J. Mills, and D. Van Raendonck

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Chair J. Gigantino.

  1. Minutes for the January 21, 2021 Graduate Council meeting stand approved, as no changes were suggested. (Graduate Council Minutes.)
  2. Announcements:
    • The Council was notified of the annual course review process, including courses with no enrollment in six or more years to be inactivated (Attachment A) and courses inactive three or more years to be deleted (Attachment B)
    • Council members were reminded that the University of Arkansas is a signatory of the Council of Graduate Schools April 15 Resolution and that the April 15 Resolution has been updated to remove the requirement of students needing to secure a formal release from an accepted offer before being able to accept another
  3. Dean’s Report: Dean Koski reported that she attended a listening session of international faculty members and expressed concern at discrimination and difficulties they have faced on campus including that they feel that they have “no home” on-campus. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Office has historically focused only on domestic issues, therefore Vice-Provost Sloan and the Faculty Development Office will be addressing this issue soon. Dr. Koski indicated that we are in the listening phase of these concerns and she will return to the Graduate Council at a later date for possible actions/collaboration the Council can take.
  4. The Council approved the assignment of Professor J. Webb for a 3-year term representing the Graduate Council on the University Program Review Committee.
  5. The following program proposals were approved unanimously and will go next to the Faculty Senate (the name of the presenter is in parentheses):
    1. Department of Curriculum and Instruction (All presented by Dr. J. Beasley & Dr. S. Kucharczyk)
      1. Proposal to modify the Applied Behavior Analysis Graduate Certificate (APBAGC) to add dismissal policies and procedures based on ethical/professional grounds
      2. Proposal to modify the Master of Arts in Teaching degree in Teacher Education (EDUCMA) to add dismissal policies and procedures based on ethical/professional grounds
      3. Proposal to modify the Master of Arts in Teaching degree in Elementary Education (ELEDMA) to add dismissal policies and procedures based on ethical/professional grounds
      4. Proposal to modify the Master of Education in Special Education (SPEDME) to add dismissal policies and procedures based on ethical/professional grounds
      5. Proposal to modify the Special Education Transition Services Graduate Certificate (SPTSGC) to add dismissal policies and procedures based on ethical/professional grounds
      6. Proposal to modify the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Graduate Certificate (TESLGC) to add dismissal policies and procedures based on ethical/professional grounds
      7. Proposal to modify the Master of Education degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESLME) to add dismissal policies and procedures based on ethical/professional grounds
    2. Department of Education Reform
      1. roposal to modify the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Education Policy (EDPOPH) by changing course requirements (Presented by Dr. J. Mills)
    3. Department of Health, Human Performance, and Recreation
      1. Proposal to modify the Master of Athletic Training degree (ATTRMA) to add dismissal policies and procedures based on ethical/professional grounds including drug testing (Presented by Dr. P. Calleja)
    4. Department of Rehabilitation, Human Resources, and Communication Disorders
      1. Proposal to modify the Master of Science degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders (CDISMS) to add dismissal policies and procedures based on ethical/professional grounds and require software to track clinical experience (Presented by Dr. R. Glade)
      2. Proposal to modify the Educational Statistics and Research Methods Post Master’s Certificate (EDSTMC) to reduce course requirements and alter GPA admission and graduate requirements (Presented by Dr. K. Mamiseishvili)
    5. Department of Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Venture Innovation
      1. Proposal to create a concentration in the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Strategy and Entrepreneurship (SEVIPH) (Presented by Dr. A. Ellstrand)
        1. Dean P. Koski moved to edit the proposal to change “Graduate School of Business” to “Graduate School” in this program’s admissions requirements. This amendment passed unanimously.
    6. Walton College Graduate School of Business
      1. Proposal to modify the Master of Business Administration degree (BADMMB) to waive GMAT/GRE scores for eligible applicants for 3-year trial period (Presented by Dr. V. Anand)
    Program change proposals and new program proposals may be viewed on The Registrar's Office Program and Unit Changes page or in Attachment C
  6. The course change reports contained in Attachment D were approved unanimously. Dr. K. Mamiseishvili moved to remove two courses (ESRM 6543 and HIED 6343) from Attachment E, courses with no enrollment in 4 or 5 years to be inactivated or deleted and for them to remain active. The Council voted to approved both courses to remain active. The Council then voted to approve the remainder of the graduate courses in Attachment E to be inactivated.
  7. The graduate faculty recommendations were approved unanimously and are listed in Attachment F. Graduate faculty applications previously approved (via email) are in Attachment G.

There being no other business, the Council adjourned at 2:38 p.m. The Council will meet next in a virtual format at 2:00 p.m. on March 18, 2021.