September Minutes

September 16th, 2021

The Council met remotely via Teams.

Members Present


Faculty representatives: Professors P.C. Calleja, T.P. Cronan, A.P.G. Dowling, K. Hall, C. Harris, L. Hinrichsen, V. H. Hunt, P.R. Koski, J.W. Murry, J.C. Rupe, A. Stoverink, J.D. Webb

Student representatives: Ms. C. Barnes, K. Duzurilla, T. Kuykendall, Ms. C. Wood


Faculty representatives: Professors A.E. Ellstrand, M.S. Ganio, J. Gigantino, A. Gonzalez, L.J. Robertson
Division of Student Affairs representative: Dr. L.M. Yingling

Members Absent


Professors C. Hestekin, J. Whayne


Professors E. Goodstein-Murphree, A. Zajicek


Mr. Dakota Kalkstein

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Chair James Gigantino.

  1. Minutes for the August 19, 2021 Graduate Council meeting stand approved, as no changes were suggested. (Graduate Council Minutes.)
  2. Announcements: Professor Gigantino announced that he will be on FMLA leave from October 11 through December 31, 2021. Dean Koski will be assuming many of the Associate Dean duties for that time period.
  3. Dean’s Report: Dean Koski announced that she will retire from the University on December 31, 2021. A search for an interim Dean of the Graduate School and International Education will be conducted and chaired by Vice-Provost Kathy Sloan.
  4. New Business: Procedure Change, Discontinuing Advisory Committees and Records of Progress for Graduate Certificates. The Council discussed that no policy exists that requires Advisory Committees or Record of Progress forms to be filed for Graduate Certificates. Graduate Certificate programs surveyed indicated that they are in favor of no longer requiring these forms to be completed. The Council voted 17 in favor with 1 abstention to eliminate their use. This change will go into effect immediately.
  5. The Council discussed the graduate faculty recommendations for faculty. The Council voted unanimously in favor of the recommendations presented in Attachment A. Previously graduate faculty recommendations approved by email from August 19 to September 15 2021 are included in Attachment B.

There being no other business, the Council adjourned at 2:12 PM. The Council will next meet on October 21.