October Minutes

October 21st, 2021

The Council met remotely via Teams.

Members Present


Faculty representatives: Professors T.P. Cronan, A.P.G. Dowling, K. Hall, C. Hestekin, L. Hinrichsen, V. H. Hunt, J.W. Murry, J.C. Rupe, A. Stoverink, J.D. Webb

Student representatives: Ms. K. Dzurilla; Ms. T. Kuykendall, Ms. C. Wood


Faculty representatives: Professors A.E. Ellstrand, M.S. Ganio, A. Gonzalez, P.R. Koski, L.J. Robertson
Division of Student Affairs representative: Dr. L.M. Yingling

Members Absent


Professors P.C. Calleja, J. Whayne

Student representatives: Ms. C. Barnes


Professors E. Goodstein-Murphree, A. Zajicek

On leave:

Professor J. Gigantino


Professors J. Endacott, S. Patton


Mr. Dakota Kalkstein

  1. The meeting was called to order at 2:01 p.m. by Chair Patricia Koski.
  2. Minutes for the September 16th, 2021, 2021 Graduate Council meeting stand approved, as no changes were suggested. (Graduate Council Minutes.)
  3. Announcement: The Veterans Resource and Information Center has had a name change to the Veteran and Military-Affiliated Student Center, effective Spring 2022.
  4. Professor Koski told the Council that the selection process for the interim dean has begun, with the interim to be in place on January 1, 2022.
  5. The following program proposals were approved unanimously and will go next to the Faculty Senate (the name of the presenter is in parentheses):
    • Proposal to modify the Master of Design Studies degree (DSGNMDS) and related concentrations in Resiliency Design and Retail and Hospitality Design by updating the CIP code (Professor J.D. Webb)
    • Proposal to modify the Educational Specialist degree in Curriculum and Instruction (CIEDES) by adding concentrations in Education Examiner, Literacy/Dyslexia, Program Administrator, and K-12 Online Teaching (Professor J. Endacott)
    • Proposal to modify the Master of Education degree in Curriculum and Instruction (CIEDME) by creating 4+1 program (Professor J. Endacott)
    • Proposal to modify the Master of Science in Nursing degree (NURSMS) by altering admission requirements, making program adjustments, and clarifying independent study options (Professor S. Patton)
    • Proposals to create new graduate MicroCertificates in Blockchain (BLOCGM), Business Analytics (BUANGM), Business Cybersecurity (CYBRGM), and Enterprise Resource Planning (ENRPGM) (Professor P. Cronan)
    • Proposal to modify the Master of Accountancy degree (AACTMA) by altering program requirements and admission requirements (Professor A.E. Ellstrand)
    • Proposal to create new Graduate School of Business Master’s Admissions Policy, waiving standardized test score requirement under certain circumstances (Professors A.E. Ellstrand and A. Stoverink). Where another presenter is indicated below, additional changes were approved.
      1. Proposal to modify the Master of Professional Accounting degree (ACCTMP) to align admission requirements to Graduate School of Business and clarify licensure exam eligibility (Professor A.E. Ellstrand)
      2. Proposal to modify the Master of Science degree in Economic Analytics degree (ECANMS) to align admission requirements to Graduate School of Business and change course requirements (Professor A.E. Ellstrand)
      3. Proposal to modify the Master of Arts degree in Economics degree (ECONMA) to align admission requirements to Graduate School of Business and change course requirements (Professor A.E. Ellstrand)
      4. Proposal to modify the Master of Applied Business Analytics degree (APBAMA) to align admission requirements to Graduate School of Business (Professor A.E. Ellstrand)
      5. Proposal to modify the Master of Information Systems degree (INSYMI) to align admission requirements to Graduate School of Business (Professor A.E. Ellstrand)
    • Proposal to modify the Master of Business Administration degree (BADMMB) by altering overall degree hours, aligning admission policies, and creating early admission policies for Walton undergraduates (Professor A.E. Ellstrand and A. Stoverink)
      1. Proposal to modify the Master of Business Administration degree (BADMMB) Full Time Business Administration Concentration (BADMMB-BADM) by altering program requirements and creating tracks (Professors A.E. Ellstrand and A. Stoverink)
      2. Proposal to modify the Master of Business Administration degree (BADMMB) Executive Business Administration Concentration (BADMMB-EBDM) by altering program requirements and creating tracks (Professor A. Stoverink)
    • Proposal to modify the Master of Science degree in Finance (FINNMS) to align admission requirements to Graduate School of Business, change course requirements, altering comprehensive exam, and deleting concentrations of Finance and Business Analytics, – Finance and Digital Technology, Energy Finance and Risk Management, and Finance and Supply Chain Management (Professor A.E. Ellstrand)
    • Proposal to modify the Master of Science degree in Supply Chain Management (SCMTMS) to align admission requirements to Graduate School of Business, change program requirements, create tracks, and delete concentrations in Business Analytics, Demand-Driven Value Networks, Enterprise Resource Planning, Blockchain Enterprise Systems, Finance, Retail, and Strategy and Human Resources (Professor A.E. Ellstrand)
    • Proposal to create a new Doctoral Admission Policy for Walton College PhD students
      1. Proposal to modify the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Economics (ECONPH) by altering admission requirements, changing course requirements, and modifying the candidacy examination (Professor A.E. Ellstrand)
      2. Proposal to modify the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Business Administration (Information Systems) (ISYSPH) by altering admission requirements (Professor A.E. Ellstrand)
      Program change proposals and new program proposals may be viewed on The Registrar's Office Program and Unit Changes page or in Attachment A.
  6. Professor A.E. Ellstrand presented a proposal to modify the Graduate School of Business Dismissal Policy to align it with the Graduate School dismissal policy (see Attachment B).
  7. The course change reports contained in Attachment C were approved unanimously.
  8. The graduate faculty recommendations contained in Attachment D were approved unanimously.
  9. Professor Koski asked the Council members to poll their constituencies on whether there should be a required minimum number of unique course credits when a student earns two doctoral degrees. This item will be discussed at the November Council meeting.

There being no other business, the Council adjourned at 3:03 p.m. The Council will meet next in a virtual format on November 18, 2021.