November Minutes

November 18, 2021

The Council met remotely via Teams.

Members Present


Faculty representatives: Professors P.C. Calleja, T.P. Cronan, A.P.G. Dowling, K. Hall, C. Harris, C. Hestekin, L. Hinrichsen, P.R. Koski, J.W. Murry, J.C. Rupe, A. Stoverink, J.D. Webb

Student representatives: Ms. K. Dzurilla; Ms. T. Kuykendall; Ms. C. Wood


Faculty representatives: Professors A.E. Ellstrand, M.S. Ganio, A. Gonzalez, E. Goodstein-Murphree, L.J. Robertson
Division of Student Affairs representative: Dr. L.M. Yingling

Members Absent


Professors V.H. Hunt, J. Whayne

Student representatives: Ms. C. Barnes


Professor A. Zajicek

On leave:

Professor J. Gigantino


Professors J. Endacott, S. Patton


Mr. Dakota Kalkstein

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Chair Patricia Koski.

  1. Professor P.R. Koski amended the agenda to add an item at the end.
  2. Minutes for the October 21st, 2021, Graduate Council meeting stand approved, as no changes were suggested. (The minutes of the Graduate Council may be found at Meeting Minutes | Graduate School and International Education | University of Arkansas (
  3. Announcements:
    • The Center of Media, Technology, and Health and the Center for the Study of Childhood Art have been created
    • There has been a name change for the Department of Interior Design to the Department of Interior Architecture and Design
    • There has been a name change for the Tyson Center for Faith & Spirituality in the Workplace to the Tyson Center for Faith-Friendly Workplaces
  4. Professor P.R. Koski told the Council that the interim dean of GSIE should be announced soon.
  5. The following program proposals were approved and will go next to the Faculty Senate (the name of the presenter is in parentheses); the vote was unanimous unless indicated otherwise:
    • Proposal to change the CIP code for the Integrated Wood Design concentration in the Master of Design Studies degree (DSGNMDS-IWDS) (Professor J. D. Webb)
    • Proposal to modify the Master of Arts degree in Art Education (AREDMA) by modifying admission requirements and curricular requirements (Professor D. O’Donoghue)
    • Proposal to inactivate the Community and Museums concentration (AREDMA-CMMS) and the Schools concentration (AREDMA-SCHL) in the Master of Arts degree in Art Education (Professor D. O’Donoghue)
    • Proposal to modify the M.Ed. degree in Special Education (SPEDME) by modifying admission requirements and specifying licensure requirements (Professor S. Kucharczyk)
    • Proposal to modify the Master of Public Health Degree (PBHLMPH) by changing curricular requirements (Professor M.S. Ganio)
    • Proposal to modify the Physical Activity (PBHLMPH-PHAC) and Public Health Practice (PBHLMPH-PHPR) concentrations in the Master of Public Health degree by modifying curricular requirements (Professor P.C. Calleja)
    • Proposal to modify the Master of Science degree in Counseling (CNSLMS) by cleaning up language regarding background checks and drug screening (Professor M.S. Ganio)
    • Proposal to modify the Master of Science degree (STANMS) and concentrations in Biological Analytics (STANMS-BIOL), Business Analytics (STANMS-BSAN), Computational Analytics (STANMS-CPAN), Educational Statistics and Psychometrics (STANMS-EDSP), Operations Analytics (STANMS-OPAN), Quantitative Social Science (STANMS-QNSS), and Statistics (STANMS-STAT) concentrations by eliminating the online option (Professor P.R. Koski) [Note: the vote was 13 for and one against]
    • Proposal to modify the Business Analytics concentration (STANMS-BSAN) by deleting ISYS 511V and replacing it with ISYS 5103 (Professor P.R. Koski)
    • Proposal to modify the Computational Analytics concentration (STANMS-CPAN) by replacing old 4000-level dual credit numbers with new 5000-level numbers as the same courses (Professor P.R. Koski)
    • Proposal to modify the Quantitative Social Science concentration (STANMS-QNSS) by switching ECON 4753 with ECON 5753 (Professor P.R. Koski)
    • Proposal to create a Master of Arts degree in Art History in Arts of the Americas (AHAAMA) (Professor D. O’Donoghue)
      Program change proposals and new program proposals may be viewed at or in Attachment A.
  6. Dr. K. Zawisza announced the creation of a Learning Management System policy (Attachment B and Attachment C).
  7. Professor K. Mamiseishvili presented a proposal to restructure the course/program approval process by separating the processes for undergraduate vs. graduate and law proposals. The motion was approved unanimously and will go next to the University Course and Programs Committee (Attachment D, Attachment E and Attachment F).
  8. The course change reports contained in Attachment G and Attachment H were approved unanimously.
  9. The graduate faculty recommendations contained in Attachment I and Attachment J were approved unanimously.
  10. Professor P.R. Koski had asked the Council members to poll their constituencies on whether there should be a required minimum number of unique course credits when a student earns two doctoral degrees. The Council members reported back from their constituencies, and it was agreed that the current practice will remain where the student’s advisory committee and degree program decide the appropriate course work, in keeping with ADHE rules on mastery of the subject matter.

There being no other business, the Council adjourned at 3:00 p.m. The Council will meet next in a virtual format on December 16, 2021.