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Gearhart Hall 213
1 University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701
Tel: 1-479-575-4401
Fax: 1-479-575-5908
March Minutes
March 18th, 2021
Members Present
Faculty representatives: Professors P.C. Calleja, N.D. Dennis, A.P.G. Dowling, C. Harris, L. Hinrichsen, V. H. Hunt, J.B. Kerr, P.R. Koski, J.W. Murry, J.C. Rupe, J.D. Webb
Student representatives: Mr. J. DiLoreto-Hill, Ms. K. Dzurilla, Ms. N.B. Evans
Professors J. Gigantino, A.E. Ellstrand, A. Gonzalez, K. Mamiseishvili, L.J. Robertson, A. Zajicek, and Division of Student Affairs representative Dr. L.M. Yingling
Members Absent
Faculty representatives: Professors V. Anand, T.P. Cronan, C. Hestekin
Student representatives: Mr. W.E. Sebree
Professor E. Goodstein-Murphree
Ms. Terri Fisher
GSIE Associate Dean C. Rom, Professors G. Parnell, D. Mears, B. Fugate
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Chair J. Gigantino.
- Minutes for the February 18, 2021 Graduate Council meeting stand approved, as no changes were suggested. (Graduate Council Minutes.)
- The Council was notified that the Graduate School is again accepting applications for Summer Research Fellowships for 9-month Doctoral/MFA graduate assistants, applications due April 1
- The Council was notified that ETS has acquired Grad School Match and the Admissions/Recruiting team is receiving training on this new tool for recruitment
- Dean’s Report: Dean Koski reported that the Provost sent an email about returning to face-to-face operations for Fall 2021. The Graduate School will be working with staff during the summer to transition to face-to-face operations for the fall semester. Commencement for May will have several ceremonies (at least two) due to social distancing restrictions on May 6. Dean Koski also mentioned that the University will be soon address the attacks on Asian Americans in Atlanta.
The following program proposals were approved unanimously and will go next to
the Faculty Senate (the name of the presenter is in parentheses):
Department of Architecture and Design
- Proposal to modify the Master of Design Studies degree (DSGNMDS) by altering admissions requirements and waiving the GRE (Presented by Professor J. Webb)
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
- Proposal to modify the Master of Education degree in Educational Technology (ETECME) by increasing required hours from 30 to 31 and adding electives (Presented by Professor D. Mears)
Department of Industrial Engineering (all presented by Professor Greg Parnell)
- Proposal to create a Graduate Certificate in Engineering Management (EMGTGC)
- Proposal to modify the Master of Science in Engineering Management degree (EMGTMS) by changing electives and changing program to online delivery only
- Proposal to modify the Lean Six Sigma Graduate Certificate (OMLSGC) by correcting administrative errors to add on-campus delivery and modifying off-campus locations
- Proposal to create a Graduate Certificate in Operations Management (OPMGGC)
Department of Mathematical Sciences
- Proposal to deactivate the Master of Arts degree in Secondary Mathematics (SMITHMA) (Presented by Professor A. Zajicek)
Department of Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Venture Innovation
- Proposal to modify the Entrepreneurship Graduate Certificate (ENTRGC) by modifying admissions requirements, clarifying course requirements, and adding electives (Presented by Professor A. Ellstrand)
Department of Supply Chain Management
- Proposal to create a new concentration in Demand-Driven Value Networks to the Master of Science degree in Supply Chain Management (SCMTMS-DDVN) (Presented by Professor B. Fugate)
Department of Architecture and Design
- New Business: The Council discussed a policy change to extend semesters of Graduate Assistantship Eligibility (Attachment B). Members will secure feedback from constituents in preparation for a vote at the April Graduate Council meeting.
- Discussion: The Council discussed a proposed policy change prohibiting retaliation for filing grievances (Attachment C). Members will secure feedback from constituents in preparation for a vote at the April Graduate Council meeting.
- The course change reports contained in Attachment D were approved unanimously.
- The graduate faculty recommendations were approved unanimously and are listed in Attachment E. Graduate faculty applications previously approved (via email) are in Attachment F.
There being no other business, the Council adjourned at 2:46 p.m. The Council will meet next in a virtual format at 2:00 p.m. on April 15, 2021.