February Minutes

February 16th, 2023

The Council met in a hybrid format via TEAMS and in MAIN 523.

Members Present


Faculty representatives: Professors A. Alrubaye, J. Endacott, K. Hall, J. Lewis, T. Murphy, J. Rupe, A. Stoverink, I. Tzanetakis, J. Webb and J. Whayne

Student representatives: D. McGee


Faculty Representatives: Professors A. Ellstrand, M. Ganio, A. Gonzalez, C. Hestekin, L. Hinrichsen and S. Schulte
Provost’s Office representative: A Griffin

Members Absent


Faculty representatives: Professors P. Cronan and M. Miller

Student representatives: J. Cash, A. Hatch and K. Olatunde


Professors E. Goodstein-Murphee, L. Robertson and L. Yingling Global Campus Representative: S. Kenner


Cassie Franklin


S. Collie, G. Daugherty, K. Higgins, J. Snow and A. Sullivan

The meeting was called to order at 2:12 p.m. by Chair Christa Hestekin.

  1. Minutes for the January 19th, 2023 Graduate Council meeting stand approved, as no changes were suggested. (Please review Graduate Council Minutes)
  2. Announcements
    The Graduate School and International Education office is currently interviewing for the Assistant to the Deans position, which will become the secretary for this council.
    Cheri Poellot, Director of Admissions, has left the University. Any questions should be directed to C. Hestekin.
  3. Dean’s Report The strategic planning process with the Chancellor and Provost has begun. Everyone is encouraged to attend the upcoming listening sessions. The Dean search for the Graduate School and International Education is officially open until March 10, 2023. Cheryl Murphy is the chair of the search committee. The first round of results from the consulting firm, EAB, have been distributed. It is a market analysis for master’s degrees. We hope to have the market analysis for doctoral programs sometime this spring.
    The following were approved unanimously and will go the Faculty Senate (the name of the presenter is in parentheses):
    1. New Business, Program Changes, Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences
      1. Proposal to add Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences: Human Nutrition (AFLSPH-HMNT) concentration (S. Lee)
      1. Proposal to modify Master of Art in Art History of the Americas (AHAAMA) by changing application deadline from January 15 to February 15 (S. Schulte)
      2. Proposal to modify Doctor of Philosophy in Geosciences by changing course hours to credit hours, clarifying required courses, and eliminating requirement to present a departmental colloquium (J. Snow)
      3. Proposal to modify the Master of Social Work in Social Work (SCWKMS) by clarifying method for changing program and dismissal from program (S. Collie)
    2. New Business Program Changes, College of Education and Health Professions
      1. Proposal to modify the Doctor of Philosophy in Counselor Education and Supervision (CNEDPH) by clarifying the language regarding taking a clinical course more than twice (K. Higgins)
      2. Proposal to modify Master of Science in Counseling (CNSLMS) by stating that if a student does not make “B” or better in any clinical course they will be dismissed from program. (K. Higgins)
      3. Proposal to modify Master of Public Health in Public Health (PBHLMPH) by removing the GRE as an admission requirement (M. Ganio)
      4. Proposal to modify Mater of Education in Physical Education (PHEDME) by eliminating a course (PHED 5243) to reduce the total credits required from 33 to 30 (M. Ganio)
    3. New Business, Program Changes, Graduate School and International Education
      1. Proposal to modify English proficiency requirement for graduate admissions to clarify allowable tests (ex. Duolingo, WASSCE, GSCE, etc. by approval from Deans Office), update information to include new intensive English language course sequence (C. Hestekin)
      Proposed changes, additions, and deletions to programs may be viewed on the Registrar's site or in Attachment A.
  4. The Council unanimously approved Old Business Annual Course Review (2022) for 4-5 Yrs to Inactivate-Delete list (Attachment B) (G. Daugherty)
  5. The Council unanimously approved the Proposal course additions and changes (Attachment C)
  6. The Council discussed and unanimously approved the Graduate Faculty recommendations for faculty, graduate faculty, and faculty renewals. (Attachment D).
  7. Information only: Annual course review (2022) for Inactive 3+yrs to delete (Attachment E) and 6+ yrs to inactivate lists (Attachment F)
  8. Other Business None

There being no other business, the Council adjourned at 2:59 p.m. The Council will meet next in person at the Upchurch Conference Room, BELL 3162 and on Teams at 2:15p.m. on March 16th, 2023.