February Minutes

February 15, 2018


Voting: Professors J.R. Chimka, R. Costrell, N.D. Dennis, V.H. Hunt, R. Kali, J.W. Murry, K.L. Needy, J.C. Rupe, A. Zajicek; Mr. M. Christie; Ms. M. Johnson

Non-Voting: Professors A.E. Ellstrand, J. Hulen, P.R. Koski, L.L. Lennertz, K. Mamiseishvili; Dr. L.L. Lander


Voting: Professors T.P. Cronan, P,K. Dowe, J. Gigantino, K. Korth

Non-Voting: Professor Lona Robertson

SECRETARY: Ms. T. M. Fisher

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Chair Patricia Koski

  1. Professor Koski amended the agenda to add a new item which is 6b, below.
  2. Minutes for the January 18, 2018, Graduate Council meeting stand approved, as no changes were suggested. (Graduate Council Minutes).
  3. Professor Koski welcomed Dr. L. Lander to the Council. Dr. Lander replaces Dr. S. Adams as the representative from Student Affairs.
  4. Dean Needy updated the Council on the search for the Vice Provost for Research and Innovation.
  5. Old Business: None
  6. New Business:
    1. Professor N. Dennis presented a proposal to modify the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Biological Engineering (BENGMS; BENGPH) by adding a requirement for a journal quality paper and setting a maximum number of 4000-level courses that can be used for the degrees. This proposal is contained in Attachment A.
    2. Professor R. Kali presented a proposal to modify the academic probation policy for the MBA degree, as shown in Attachment B.
    Following discussion, both items a. and b. were approved unanimously and will go next to the Faculty Senate.
  7. The course change report from the University Course and Programs Committee was unanimously approved (Attachment C).
  8. The graduate faculty recommendations contained in Attachment D were unanimously approved.

There being no other business, the Council adjourned at 2:27 p.m. The Council will meet next on Thursday, March 15th at 2:00 p.m., in the Upchurch Conference Room of Bell Engineering.

Submitted by: Patricia R. Koski, Chair

Approved by: Kim Needy, Dean