September Minutes

September 20, 2018

Members Present


Professors N.D. Dennis, A.G.P. Dowling, J. Gigantino, C. Hestekin, V.H. Hunt, R. Kali, J.B. Kerr, J.W. Murry, K.L. Needy, J.C. Rupe, A. Zajicek


Professors A.E. Ellstrand, P.R. Koski, L.L. Lander, L.L. Lennertz, K. Mamiseishvili, L.J. Robertson

Members Absent


Professors R. Costrell, T.P. Cronan; two representatives from the Graduate Student Congress


One representative from Fulbright College


Terri M. Fisher

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Chair Patricia Koski.

  1. Professor Koski welcomed two new Council Members: Professor Christa Hestekin will represent the College of Engineering and replaces Justin Chimka. Professor Ashley Dowley will represent the Bumpers College and replaces Ken Korth. (Note: A new representative from Fulbright College, Professor Brinck Kerr, was announced last month.)
  2. Minutes for the August 16th, 2018, Graduate Council meeting stand approved, as no changes were suggested. (Graduate Council Minutes).
  3. Dean Needy reported that the Chancellor has created a committee to develop a five-year enrollment management plan with a goal of 30,000 on-campus students. This plan will include graduate and international students.
  4. Professor Koski confirmed the following committee assignments:
    • Calendar Committee – Jim Gigantino
    • University Course and Programs Committee – Paul Cronan
    • Library Committee – Justin Chimka and Norm Dennis
    • Academic Appeals Committee – Bob Costrell, Paul Cronan, Norm Dennis, Jim Gigantino, Valerie Hunt, Scout Johnson, John Rupe
    • Graduate faculty representatives – Paul Cronan, Norm Dennis, Jim Gigantino, Valerie Hunt, John Murry, John Rupe
  5. There was no old or new business.
  6. Council members reported from their constituencies on a possible change to our current conflict-of-interest policy. Following those reports, the Council approved the policy contained in Attachment A.
  7. Council members reported from their constituencies about a proposed graduate student grade appeal process contained Attachment B. Following their reports and discussion, we agreed to add some deadlines for each step of the process and discuss again at our next meeting.
  8. The graduate faculty recommendations contained in Attachment C were unanimously approved.

There being no other business, the Council adjourned at 2:47 p.m. The Council will meet next on Thursday, October 18th at 2:00 p.m., in the Upchurch Conference Room of Bell Engineering.