Attachment C

HLC Policy Change (November 2020)

The institution establishes and publicizes clear procedures for receiving complaints from students and other constituencies, responding to complaints in a timely manner, and analyzing complaints to improve its processes. The institution does not retaliate against those who raise complaints.

Proposed Change to Comply with HLC Policy

Amend to this section of catalog:

Graduate Catalog | Objectives and Regulations

Academic Grievance Policy for Graduate Students

Add to Rights

  1. has the right to be free of retaliation from University employees for filing a grievance under this policy or the grade appeal policy for graduate students or participation in the investigation of a grievance as a witness of such a claim.

Add to Definition

Retaliation: Any decision to adversely affect the education environment, which is directed against graduate students for filing grievances under this policy or the grade appeal policy for graduate students as well as graduate students who participate in an investigation.

Grievance Policy for Graduate Assistants

Add to Grounds for Review of Termination

  1. The student was a party to a formal academic grievance or utilized the grade appeal policy for graduate students and alleges their termination is retaliation for filing such a grievance or appeal or their participation as a witness in the investigation of such a claim.

Add to Definition

Retaliation: Any decision to adversely affect the employment or education environment, which is directed against graduate students for filing formal grievances or complaints as well as graduate students who participate in an investigation.