Graduate Council Agenda

Thursday, January 21st, 2016

2:00 p.m.

Upchurch Conference Room, Bell Engineering

  1. Minutes for the December 17th, 2015, Graduate Council meeting will stand approved if no corrections are received. (Please review the Graduate Council Minutes).
  2. Announcements
  3. Report from Committees:
    • Academic Appeals
    • Teaching Assistant Effectiveness Advisory Committee
    • Calendar
    • Library
  4. Old Business: None
  5. New Business, College of Education and Health Professions
    1. Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Proposal to modify the Autism Spectrum Disorder graduate certificate (AUTSGC) by removing CDIS 5143 as a required course and adding SPED 5143.
    2. Department of Rehabilitation, Human Resources, and Communication Disorders,
      (1). Proposal to make editorial changes in the catalog and to modify the Ed.D. degree in Higher Education (HIEDED) by 1) modifying application requirements; 2) deleting HIED 6023 and HIED 6533 from list of core courses; 3) moving HIED 5043 from core courses to electives; 4) adding HIED 6643, 6653, 6683 to list of core courses; 5) adding three credit hours of additional advanced research methods options; 6) changing the list of elective and skills-based course options and changing the number required.
      (2). Proposal to modify the M.Ed. degree in Higher Education (HIEDME) by 1) modifying application requirements; 2) adding two new higher education elective courses to the list of electives; and 3) adding HIED 5903 Research in Higher Education and Student Affairs as an additional research methods option.
    3. School of Nursing, Proposal to modify the Master of Science in Nursing degree, Nurse Educator Concentration (NURSMS-NUED), by changing course requirements as shown in Attachment A.
  6. New Business, College of Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, Proposal to create a graduate certificate in Project Management (OMGTGC).

    Note: All program changes and program proposals may be viewed at Program proposals are also listed in Attachment A.

  7. Discussion: Proposal for enrollment:
    Currently, there are many active graduate students who are not enrolled and therefore are not reflected in the 11th day enrollment census reports. We have enrollment requirements only for students who are post-candidacy doctoral students, international students, and students who are on assistantships. We don’t want to have a more extensive continuous enrollment policy because of the cost to the student. It is likely that we would lose many more students with such a policy. However, particularly for the humanities, our graduate enrollment is under-reported.
    To solve this problem, we propose that students who are not enrolled in classes and who wish to remain active in ISIS be required to enroll in a place-holder class with all but $50 of the tuition waived (per semester). This would allow students to retain access to library holdings, their e-mail addresses and other University benefits and they would not have to reapply to the Graduate School and pay an application fee if they wish to resume enrollment. We would discontinue our practice of creating affiliate students. Students who fail to enroll each semester would be assessed a penalty upon readmission.
  8. Course change reports from the University Course and Programs Committee (UCPC) (Attachment B).
  9. Graduate faculty recommendations for faculty: A preliminary list is attached (Attachment C). A complete list will be distributed at the meeting.
  10. Other Business