March Minutes

March 14th, 2019


Voting: Professors R. Costrell, N.D. Dennis, A.G.P. Dowling, C. Hestekin, V. H. Hunt, J.B. Kerr, J. W. Murry, K.L. Needy, J.C. Rupe; Ms. M. Johnson; Ms. K. Moergen

Non-Voting: Professors A.E. Ellstrand, P.R. Koski, K. Mamiseishvili, L.J. Robertson


Voting: Professors V.P. Anand, T.P. Cronan, J. Gigantino, A. Zajicek

Non-Voting: Professor L.L. Lennertz; Dr. L. Lander

GUESTS Professor E. Cho

SECRETARY: Terri M. Fisher

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Chair Patricia Koski.

  1. Minutes for the February 21st, 2019, Graduate Council meeting stand approved, as no changes were suggested. (Graduate Council Minutes)
  2. Professor Koski announced that Dean Needy has recently received two awards from the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers: The Wellington Award and the Albert G. Holzman Distinguished Educator Award
  3. Dean Needy described her recent alumni/recruitment/development visit to Bolivia and the alumni/recruitment/development trip to Southeast Asia currently in progress for Curt Rom, Peter Ungar, and Karl Anderson. An upcoming alumni event is scheduled at the Rome Center in April and at the NAFSA conference in Washington, DC in May
  4. There was no old business
  5. The following program changes were approved unanimously and will go next to the Faculty Senate. The presenters are noted in parentheses.
    1. Proposal to modify the Master of Science degree (HESCMS) by adding two new core courses to the curriculum: HESC 5111, HESC 5211. This will increase by two hours the total number of requirements for the degree (Professor E. Cho) Graduate Council Minutes, 3/14/19, Page 2
    2. Proposal to add a new course delivery site for the Master of Science degree in Engineering Management (EMGTMS), the graduate certificate in Project Management (OPMGC) and the Master of Science in Operations Management degree (OPMGMS) (Professor N. Dennis)
    Program change proposals and new program proposals may be viewed at Program and Unit Changes or in Attachment A.
  6. The following policy change was approved and will be sent to the Faculty Senate for a vote: On the basis of qualifying experience and 18 hours of course work in the area under consideration, faculty who do not hold the terminal degree may be approved for any level of graduate faculty status. A supplementary form (Attachment B) to the graduate faculty application must be submitted as part of the approval process
  7. Professor Koski asked the Council members to poll their constituencies on the issue of transfer credit for doctoral degrees, under the same restrictions as are currently in place for master’s degrees. This will be placed on the April Graduate Council agenda for discussion.
  8. The course change reports contained in Attachment C were approved unanimously.
  9. The graduate faculty recommendations contained in Attachment D were approved.
  10. There being no other business, the Council adjourned at 2:36 p.m. The Council will meet next on Thursday, April 18th at 2:00 p.m. in the Upchurch Conference Room of Bell Engineering.