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1 University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701
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October Minutes
October 17th, 2019
Voting: Professors P.C. Calleja, T.P. Cronan, N.D. Dennis, A.G.P. Dowling, J. Gigantino, C. Hestekin, V. H. Hunt, J.B. Kerr, J.W. Murry, K.L. Needy, J.C. Rupe, A. Zajicek; Ms. Ashly Romero
Non-Voting: Professors A.E. Ellstrand, P.R. Koski, L.L. Lennertz, K. Mamiseishvili; Dr. L.M. Yingling
Voting: Professors V.P. Anand, J.D. Webb; one representative from the Graduate and Professional Student Congress
Non-Voting: Professor L.J. Robertson
SECRETARY Terri Fisher
GUESTS Professor R. Glade, R. Rao, L. Roe
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Chair Patricia Koski.
- Minutes for the September 19th, 2019, Graduate Council meeting stand approved, as no changes were suggested. (Graduate Council Minutes)
- New members, Ashly Romero and Leslie Yingling, representing Graduate and Professional Student Congress and Student Affairs, respectively, were introduced and welcomed.
- Dean Needy shared that a search is underway to hire a new Director of Graduate and International Recruitment and Admissions to replace Lynn Mosesso, who is retiring.
- Old Business: The following policies were approved and will go next to the Faculty
Senate as information items:
- A policy for the use of copy editors in theses and dissertations (Attachment A).
- A policy for removing graduate faculty status (Attachment B).
- New Business: The following program proposals were approved and will go next to the
Faculty Senate for vote (presenter’s name is in parentheses)
- Proposal to modify the M.S. degree in Biomedical Engineering (BMEGMS) by adding a healthcare entrepreneurship concentration, changing the CIP code and making catalog edits (Professor R. Rao)
- Proposal to modify the Ph.D. degree in Chemical Engineering (CHEGPH), by reducing elective hours from six to three; reducing technical elective hours from 18 to 12; and increasing dissertation hours by nine (Professor C. Hestekin)
- Proposal to modify the Ph.D. degree in Space and Planetary Sciences (SPACPH) by changing catalog copy to show the correct number of total hours; showing the seminar as a required core course; and providing a list of potential electives (Professor L. Roe)
- Proposal to delete the Addiction Counseling concentration in the M.S. degree in Counseling (CNSLMS-ADCN) (Professor K. Mamiseishvili)
- Proposal to deactivate the Executive Leader concentration in the M.S. degree in Nursing (NURSMS-EXLD) (Professor K. Mamiseishvili)
- Proposal to create a post-master’s certificate in Advanced School-Based Speech-Language Pathology (ASPLMC) (Professor R. Glade)
- Proposal to create a graduate certificate in Nursing Education (NUEDGC) (Professor K. Mamiseishvili).
- The course change reports contained in Attachment D were approved unanimously.
- The graduate faculty recommendations contained in Attachment E were approved unanimously.
There being no other business, the Council adjourned at 2:42 p.m. The Council will meet next on November 21st at 2:00.