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Gearhart Hall 213
1 University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701
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September Minutes
September 19th, 2019
Voting: Professors V.P. Anand, N.D. Dennis, J. Gigantino, C. Hestekin, V. H. Hunt, J.B. Kerr, J.W. Murry, K.L. Needy, J.C. Rupe, A. Zajicek
Non-Voting: Professors A.E. Ellstrand, P.R. Koski, L.L. Lennertz, K. Mamiseishvili, L.J. Robertson
Voting: Professors P.C. Calleja, T.P. Cronan, A.G.P. Dowling; two representatives from the Graduate and Professional Student Congress
Non-Voting: Dr. L.M. Yingling
SECRETARY Cassie Franklin
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Chair Patricia Koski.
- Minutes for the August 22nd, 2019, Graduate Council meeting stand approved, as no changes were suggested. (Graduate Council Minutes)
- Dean Needy shared that
- the Council of Graduate Schools will be conducting research on graduate student wellness and we will be involved as possible.
- The Council of Graduate Schools has also asked the University of Arkansas to participate in a "mini study" to better understand the increase of students from sub-Saharan Africa.
- The 3MT competition will be scheduled for later this fall.
- We have eight SREB doctoral students.
- Graduate enrollment at the 11th day census date has increased over last fall and international enrollment is down slightly.
- There was no old business.
- The Council approved a policy for transfer credit at the doctoral level, which will next be sent to the Faculty Senate for information only (Attachment A).
- A proposal on the use of copy editors in theses and dissertations was tabled for further consideration and editing. The revised proposal will be included with the October agenda.
- Council members reported from constituencies about this question: "what types of situations should result in the removal of graduate faculty status?" Following these reports, the proposed policy in Attachment B was drafted and will be considered at the next Graduate Council meeting in October.
- The graduate faculty recommendations contained in Attachment C were approved unanimously.
- An issue was raised about timely background checks for graduate assistants. The Provost is aware of this issue and has asked that a small committee be created to draft a plan for addressing the issue of adverse background checks for graduate assistants.
There being no other business, the Council adjourned at 3:15 p.m. The Council will meet next on October 17th at 2:00.