November Minutes

November 21st, 2019


Voting: Professors V.P. Anand, P.C. Calleja, T.P. Cronan, N.D. Dennis, A.G.P. Dowling, J. Gigantino, C. Hestekin, V. H. Hunt, J.W. Murry, K.L. Needy, J.C. Rupe, J.D. Webb, A. Zajicek; Ms. Amanda Phillips; Ms. Ashly Romero

Non-Voting: Professors A.E. Ellstrand, J. Hulen, P.R. Koski, K. Mamiseishvili


Voting: Professors J.B. Kerr

Non-Voting: Professors L.L. Lennertz, L.J. Robertson; Dr. L.M. Yingling

SECRETARY Terri Fisher

GUESTS Professors S. Bristow, B. Fugate, P. Liu, G. Peters, C. Schulte, J. Shipman, G. Snyder, P. Ungar

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Chair Patricia Koski.

  1. Minutes for the October 17th, 2019, Graduate Council meeting stand approved, as no changes were suggested. (Graduate Council Minutes)
  2. Dean Needy reminded the Council that this is International Education Week. Chair P. Koski reminded the Council that we are interviewing the fourth candidate for the Director of Graduate and International Recruitment and Admissions.
  3. Professor J. Gigantino reported from the Calendar Committee that there have been several proposed changes to the finals schedule for future years.
  4. There was no old business.
  5. New Business, proposal tabled: Proposal to modify the educational specialist degree in Curriculum and Instruction (CIEDES) by making total curriculum changes.
  6. New Business: The following program proposals were approved unanimously and will go next to the Faculty Senate for vote (presenter’s name is in parentheses)
    1. Proposal to modify the graduate certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis (APBAGC) by changing from six to seven courses, changing course requirements and making catalog edits (Professor K. Mamiseishvili)
    2. Proposal to modify the master of education degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESLME) by eliminating the requirement for a standardized test score unless the undergraduate GPA is below the required level; making one curricular change; and adding an online option as a method of delivery (Professor K. Mamiseishvili).
    3. Proposal to modify the Ph.D. degree in Environmental Dynamics (ENDYPH) by changing the CIP code and aligning the description of the program to make it compatible with the proposed master of science degree in Environmental Dynamics (ENDYMS) (Professor P. Ungar).
    4. Proposal to create a new master of arts in Art Education (AREDMA) with two concentrations: Community and Museums (AREDMA-CMMS) and Schools (AREDMA-SCHL)(Professor C. Schulte).
    5. Proposal to create a master of professional accounting degree (ACCTMP), with three concentrations: Assurance and Analytics (ACCTMP-BUAN); Corporate Accounting (ACCTMP-CACC); and Taxation (ACCTMP-TAXA) (Professor G. Peters)
    6. Proposal to create a master of science degree in Finance (FINNMS) with four concentrations: Finance and Business Analytics (FINNMS-BUAN); Finance and Digital technology (FINNMS-DGTC); Energy Finance and Risk Management (FINNMS-FERM); and Finance and Supply Chain Management (FINNMS-SCMT) (Professor P. Liu).
    7. Proposal to create a master of applied business analytics degree (APBAMA) (Professor P. Cronan).
    8. Proposal to create a master of science degree in Supply Chain Management (SCMTMS) with six concentrations: Business Analytics (SCMTMS-BUAN); Enterprise Resource Planning (SCMTMS-ENRP); Blockchain Enterprise Systems (SCMTMS-ENSY); Finance (SCMTMS-FINN); Strategy and Human Resources (SCMTMS-HRMG); and Retail (SCMTMS-RETL) (Professor B. Fugate).
    9. Proposal to create a master of science degree in Environmental Dynamics (ENDYMS) (Professor P. Ungar).
    10. Proposal to create a Social Justice concentration in the Ph.D. program in Public Policy (PUBPPH-SCJS) (Professor V. Hunt).
    Program change proposals and new program proposals may be viewed on Program and Unit Changes or in Attachment A
  7. Chair P. Koski asked the Council to poll their constituencies about the attached policy (Attachment B), which creates a policy for dismissing students for unprofessional/unethical conduct.
  8. The course change reports contained in Attachment C were approved unanimously.
  9. The graduate faculty recommendations contained in Attachment D were approved unanimously

There being no other business, the Council adjourned at 3:05 p.m. The Council will meet next on December 19th at 2:00 p.m