October Minutes

October 15th, 2020

The Council met remotely via Teams.

Members Present


Faculty representatives: Professors V. Anand, P.C. Calleja, T.P. Cronan, N.D. Dennis, A.G.P. Dowling, J. Gigantino, C. Hestekin, V. H. Hunt, J.B. Kerr, J.W. Murry, J.C. Rupe, J.D. Webb

Student representatives: . J. DiLoreto-Hill; Ms. K. Dzurilla; Ms. N.B. Evans, Mr. W.E. Sebree


Professors A.E. Ellstrand, E. Goodstein-Murphree, P.R. Koski, K. Mamiseishvili, L.J. Robertson, A. Zajicek

Members Absent


Dean K.L. Needy


Faculty representative: Professor A. Gonzalez

Division of Student Affairs representative: Dr. L.M. Yingling


Terri Fisher


Professors H. Ballentine, S. Muir, S. Patton

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Chair Patricia Koski.

  1. Minutes for the August 20th, 2020, Graduate Council meeting stand approved, as no changes were suggested. (Graduate Council Minutes). (Note: The Council met in September but only to introduce new members. There was no business conducted.)
  2. Professor Koski announced that Dean Needy will become the Dean of the College of Engineering, effective November 1st, and that she (Koski) will take on the role of Dean of the Graduate School and International Education. Professor Koski also told the Council about our participation in a forum hosted by the Council of Graduate Schools and the Jed Foundation on graduate student mental health. A student in Public Policy, Toby Klein, was also selected to participate.
  3. The following program proposals were approved unanimously and will go next to the Faculty Senate:
    • Proposal to modify the Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTDEDP) degree by reducing OCTH 5422 by one credit and increasing OCTH 5483 by one credit; adding progression, retention, and dismissal policies; and clarifying admission requirements.
    • Proposal to modify the Doctor of Nursing Practice (NURSDP) and Master of Science in Nursing (NURSMS) degrees by removing the GRE requirement for admission.
    • Proposal to create an Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner post-master’s certificate (AGACMC).
    • Proposal to create a Family Nurse Practitioner post-master’s certificate (FNPRMC).
    Program change proposals and new program proposals may be found via The Registrar's Office Program and Unit Changes page or in Attachment A.
  4. The course change reports contained in Attachment B were approved unanimously.
  5. The graduate faculty recommendations contained in Attachment C were approved unanimously. Also attached (Attachment D) are the graduate faculty applications approved via email.

There being no other business, the Council adjourned at 2:45 p.m. The Council will meet next in a virtual format on November 19th, 2020.