April Agenda

Thursday, April 16th, 2015

2:00 p.m.

Upchurch Conference Room, Bell Engineering

  1. Minutes for the March 19th, 2015, Graduate Council meeting will stand approved if no corrections are received. (Please review the Graduate Council Minutes).

    To assist council members in locating and reviewing Graduate Council agenda items in the CourseLeaf system, please review the instructions for Viewing Course and Program Proposals Pending Graduate Council Approval.

  2. Announcements
  3. Report from the Academic Appeals Committee, the Teaching Effectiveness Advisory Committee, and the Library Committee.
  4. Old Business: None
  5. New Business, Policy Changes, Proposal to Modify the Course Review Process, Academic Policy Series 1622.11 (Attachment A).
  6. New Business, Proposal to eliminate dual credit classes (Fred Spiegel) (Attachment B).
  7. Course change reports from the University Course and Programs Committee (UCPC) (Attachment C).
  8. Graduate faculty recommendations for faculty: A preliminary list is attached (Attachment D). A complete list will be distributed at the meeting.
  9. Other Business